30 ESL Conversation Questions about Cell Phones

  1. What kind of mobile phone do you have?
  2. How often do you use your phone in a day?
  3. What are some of the features that are important to you in a mobile phone?
  4. Have you ever lost or broken your phone? How did you handle it?
  5. How do you feel about the increasing amount of screen time people have on their phones?
  6. Do you think mobile phones have made communication easier or harder?
  7. Do you prefer using a touch screen or a physical keyboard on a phone?
  8. How do you feel about the idea of having a “smartphone detox” and disconnecting from your phone for a certain period of time?
  9. How do you keep your phone organized (contacts, photos, apps, etc.)?
  10. Do you think the camera on your phone is good enough or do you prefer using a separate camera?
  11. Describe the features of your current mobile phone and how they benefit you in your daily life.
  12. Explain the process of how you choose a new mobile phone when you need to upgrade.
  13. Share a time when your mobile phone played an important role in a situation or emergency.
  14. Discuss the pros and cons of having a mobile phone with a large screen size.
  15. Explain your thoughts on the impact of mobile phones on society, both positive and negative.
  16. Share your opinion on the future of mobile phone technology and what advancements you would like to see.
  17. Describe a mobile phone application or feature that you cannot live without and why.
  18. Explain how you manage the notifications and distractions from your mobile phone while working or studying.
  19. Discuss the security measures you take to protect your personal information on your mobile phone.
  20. Share your thoughts on the concept of “phubbing” (phone snubbing) and its effects on social interactions.
  21. How has the cell phone changed the way we communicate?
  22. What are some of the benefits and drawbacks of using a cell phone?
  23. How has the cell phone impacted your daily routine?
  24. How do you think cell phones have affected face-to-face communication?
  25. How do you think cell phones have affected the way we access information?
  26. How do you think cell phones have affected the way we learn?
  27. How do you think cell phones have affected the way we conduct business?
  28. How do you think cell phones have affected the way we stay connected with friends and family?
  29. How do you think cell phones have affected our privacy?
  30. How do you think the future of cell phone technology will impact society?