30 ESL Conversation Questions about Computers

  1. How often do you use a computer?
  2. What do you use your computer for?
  3. How long have you been using computers?
  4. What is your favourite thing about computers?
  5. What is your least favourite thing about computers?
  6. Do you prefer desktop or laptop computers? Why?
  7. Have you ever built a computer from scratch?
  8. Have you ever had a computer crash or malfunction on you?
  9. Do you use a PC or a Mac? Why?
  10. What are some of the essential computer skills to have?
  11. What type of computer do you currently own?
  12. Do you prefer using a computer or a mobile device? Why?
  13. How often do you use a computer in a day?
  14. What are some of your favourite computer programs or apps?
  15. Have you ever encountered any technical difficulties with your computer? How did you solve them?
  16. Do you prefer Windows, MacOS, or Linux? Why?
  17. How do you keep your computer running smoothly?
  18. Have you ever built your own computer from scratch?
  19. What is your opinion on the future of computer technology?
  20. Do you think computers will ever replace human jobs? Why or why not?
  21. How do you think computer technology has changed our lives?
  22. How do you think computer technology will continue to evolve in the future?
  23. What is the most important development in computer technology in your opinion?
  24. Do you think computer technology has made our lives better or worse? Why?
  25. How has computer technology affected the way you work or study?
  26. What impact do you think computer technology has on society?
  27. Do you think computer technology has made communication easier or more difficult? Why?
  28. How do you think computer technology has changed the way we access information?
  29. What is your favourite computer technology gadget?
  30. Do you think computer technology is a helpful tool or a threat to our privacy? Why