IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Favourite Books or Movies Sample Questions and Answers

  1. What is your favorite book or movie? Why do you like it?

Sample Answer: My favorite book is “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee. I appreciate this book for its powerful storytelling, compelling characters, and thought-provoking themes. The novel addresses important social issues such as racism and injustice, which resonate with me deeply. The author’s beautiful prose and the way she brings the characters to life make the reading experience truly captivating. Moreover, the book teaches valuable life lessons about empathy, courage, and standing up for what is right.


  • Compelling: (adjective) captivating or evoking interest and attention.
  • Thought-provoking: (adjective) causing deep consideration or reflection.
  • Resonate: (verb) to have a strong emotional impact or connection.
  • Prose: (noun) written or spoken language in its ordinary form, without poetic structure.
  1. How do books or movies influence people’s lives? Why do you think storytelling is important?

Sample Answer: Books and movies have a profound influence on people’s lives by expanding their horizons, shaping their perspectives, and evoking emotions. They transport us to different worlds, cultures, and experiences, allowing us to gain a deeper understanding of the human condition. Storytelling is important because it connects us, sparks imagination, and fosters empathy. Through stories, we can explore diverse narratives, learn from the experiences of others, and find inspiration and solace.


  • Profound: (adjective) having a deep or significant impact.
  • Horizons: (noun) the limits of one’s knowledge, experience, or outlook.
  • Perspectives: (noun) viewpoints or ways of seeing and understanding things.
  • Solace: (noun) comfort or consolation in times of distress or sadness.
  1. What qualities do you look for in a good book or movie? Why are these qualities important to you?

Sample Answer: In a good book or movie, I look for engaging storytelling, well-developed characters, and meaningful themes. Engaging storytelling keeps me hooked and invested in the narrative. Well-developed characters make the story relatable and allow for emotional connection. Meaningful themes add depth and provide opportunities for reflection. These qualities are important to me because they make the reading or viewing experience more enriching, memorable, and thought-provoking.


  • Relatable: (adjective) able to be related to or identified with.
  • Emotional connection: (noun) a deep bond or resonance on an emotional level.
  • Enriching: (adjective) enhancing or adding value to something.
  • Thought-provoking: (adjective) causing deep consideration or reflection.
  1. How do books or movies contribute to personal development? Why do you think it’s important to read or watch a variety of genres?

Sample Answer: Books and movies contribute to personal development by broadening perspectives, stimulating imagination, and fostering critical thinking. They expose us to different cultures, ideas, and experiences, promoting empathy and understanding. Reading or watching a variety of genres is important as it exposes us to diverse storytelling techniques, themes, and genres. It allows us to explore new worlds, challenge our assumptions, and expand our knowledge and creativity.


  • Broadening: (verb) expanding or widening in scope or range.
  • Stimulating: (adjective) arousing interest, excitement, or curiosity.
  • Critical thinking: (noun) the objective analysis and evaluation of ideas or arguments.
  • Assumptions: (noun) beliefs or ideas taken for granted without proof or examination.