25 ESL Conversation Questions about Summer

  1. Which season do you like the most? Why?
  2. Do you like summer? Why/Why not?
  3. What are some of the summer activities? /Can you name some summer activities?
  4. What is your favourite summer activity?
  5. What are summer clothes? Which one do you like the most?
  6. Do you buy new summer clothes every summer?
  7. What things about summer do you like the most and the least?
  8. What kind of summer holidays do you like the most?
  9. What are some of the special events that take place in summer?
  10. What is your favourite summer memory?
  11. Have you ever had a bad summer holiday? What happened?
  12. Do you like staying in hotels in summer? 
  13. Do you/your family have a summer house? Where is it? What can you do there? Do you go there every summer?
  14. Do you go on holiday every summer?
  15. Which one do you prefer; summer holiday or winter holiday? Why?
  16. Would you like to go abroad in summer? Where would you like to go? What will you do there?
  17. Have you ever been to a summer festival? What did you do there? How was it? Did you like it?
  18. Are there lots of summer fests in your country? What are they?
  19. Which cities are suitable for summer holidays in your country? Have you been to any of them? Which ones would you like to visit/see?
  20. What did you do last summer? Did you go on a holiday? Did you work?
  21. Do you work in the summer? What do you think about working in the summer?
  22. Have you ever been to summer school? What was it for? Did you like it?
  23. Have you ever been to a summer camp? How was it? Where was it? Do you like camping?
  24. Do you have any plans for this summer? What are you going to do? 
  25. What food can you eat in summer? Which one is your favourite one?