30 ESL Conversation Questions about Youtube

  1. Do you watch videos on Youtube?
  2. What kind of videos do you watch on Youtube?
  3. Do you have favourite channels on Youtube? What are they? Why are they your favourite ones?
  4. Do you watch educational videos on Youtube?
  5. Do you have a channel on Youtube? What is it about?
  6. Would you like to have a channel on Youtube? What will it be about?
  7. Do you think having many followers is important? Why?
  8. What do you think about the influencers on Youtube?
  9. Do you want to earn money on Youtube? How can someone earn money on Youtube?
  10. Do you think it is fair for some people to earn money on Youtube? Why do you think some people oppose this idea?
  11. Do you like the advertisements on Youtube?
  12. What do you think about the number of advertisements on Youtube?
  13. Do you have a premium account on Youtube? 
  14. What are the advantages of having a premium account on Youtube?
  15. How much does a premium account cost? Is it a lot?
  16. Does Youtube have dangerous videos? What are they about?
  17. Do you think watching Youtube videos is dangerous for children? Why?
  18. What kind of videos are good for children on Youtube? Are there any educational channels for children on Youtube?
  19. Can you learn and improve your English on Youtube? How?
  20. Which channels are suitable for practising English?
  21. Have you ever met someone you follow on Youtube? What happened? Do you like that person in real life?
  22. Have you ever watched any series or films on Youtube? Do you think it is easier to watch them on this platform?
  23. What do you think about the comments on Youtube? Do you comment on the videos you like? Do you think video owners read the comments?
  24. Who are the popular YouTubers in your country? What kind of content do they produce? What do you like most about their videos?
  25. Do you listen to music on Youtube? Is it easy to listen to music on Youtube from your mobile phone?
  26. What if one of your close friends becomes a famous Youtuber? Do you think you will still be friends? Would you like to be part of his/her videos?
  27. Would you like to have a travel channel on Youtube? Where would you like to travel first? 
  28. There are different names for the people who produce different content on Youtube like “booktubers”, what other names do you know? Can you give examples of what kind of content they have on their channels?
  29. If you could earn lots of money on Youtube, would you still continue recording videos or would you start a different business?
  30. Who are the most known Youtubers in the world? What kind of videos do they share?