30 ESL Conversation Questions about Getting to Know Each Other

  1. What is your name and surname?
  2. Where are you from? 
  3. When and where were you born? 
  4. How old are you?
  5. Do you have any brothers/sisters? Are they younger/older than you?
  6. Do you have a big or small family?
  7. Where do you live in this city? Do you like that part of the town? Why?
  8. Are you married or single? When did you get married?
  9. How long have you been learning English?
  10. Have you ever been abroad? Where did you go? What did you do?
  11. What are your hobbies? Do you have enough time to do them?
  12. Would you like to live in another city/country? Where would you like to live? Where?
  13. Do you do any sports? What is it? How often do you do sports?
  14. Do you eat healthily? Do you like fast food or junk food?
  15. Do you work? What is your job? Where do you work? Do you like your job?
  16. Would you like to study abroad? Where would you like to go for education?
  17. Are you a shy person, or can you get along with new people easily?
  18. Why are you learning English? 
  19. Can you drive? Do you have a car? How do you go to school/work?
  20. Do you have any allergies? What is it?
  21. Do you like dancing/singing? 
  22. Tell us about how you spend your free time.
  23. Do you have any phobias? What are they? Can you cope with your phobias?
  24. Are you a bookworm? What kind of books do you read? What was the last book you read? Did you like it?
  25. Do you watch tv series/films? Where do you watch them? What are your favourite ones?
  26. Do you like playing games? What kind of games do you like playing (board games/ street games/ computer games, etc)? 
  27. Are you a planned/organized person? If yes, what do you do for it? Do you keep a planner? 
  28. Who is your best friend? Can you describe him/her? Tell us about him/her.
  29. Which would you prefer: hot/cold weather? Why? What kind of activities can you do in that weather?
  30. What are your plans for your future? Tell us about your goals/plans.