IELTS Speaking

IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Sample Questions and Answers (with Extra Word Definitions)

Click on the topics to see the detailed sample answers and word definitions.

  1. Hometown
  2. Work or study
  3. Family
  4. Friends
  5. Hobbies and interests
  6. Daily routine
  7. Favourite books or movies
  8. Music
  9. Sports and physical activities
  10. Food and cooking
  11. Travel and holidays
  12. Technology
  13. Weather
  14. Clothing and fashion
  15. Health and fitness
  16. Celebrations and festivals
  17. Transportation
  18. Childhood memories
  19. Pets
  20. Television and media
  21. Shopping
  22. Environment and conservation
  23. Art and creativity
  24. Languages and learning
  25. Future plans and aspirations
  26. Internet and social media
  27. Cultural traditions
  28. Famous people
  29. Outdoor activities
  30. Daily news and current events
  31. Education and learning
  32. Work-life balance
  33. Communication skills
  34. Housing and accommodation
  35. Entertainment and leisure activities
  36. Technology gadgets and devices
  37. Cultural events and performances
  38. Time management
  39. Healthy lifestyle choices
  40. Socializing and making new friends
  41. Historical places and landmarks
  42. Festivals in your country
  43. Money and personal finance
  44. Stress management
  45. Volunteering and community service
  46. Childhood dreams and aspirations
  47. Online shopping and e-commerce
  48. Traditional arts and crafts
  49. Cultural diversity
  50. Traffic and transportation in your city
  51. Career choices and ambitions
  52. Sustainable living and eco-friendly practices
  53. Art exhibitions and museums
  54. Favorite websites or apps
  55. Mobile phones and their impact on society
  56. Personal achievements and accomplishments
  57. Personal values and beliefs
  58. Leisure time activities
  59. Health and well-being
  60. Social issues and activism
  61. Natural disasters and emergency preparedness
  62. The role of technology in education
  63. Cultural differences and customs
  64. Famous landmarks in your country
  65. Science and technology advancements
  66. Books or movies that have influenced you
  67. Daily exercise routines
  68. Public transportation in your city
  69. Cultural etiquette and manners
  70. Shopping habits and preferences
  71. Global environmental issues
  72. Family traditions and rituals
  73. Favorite types of music or genres
  74. Time management techniques
  75. Traditional clothing and fashion in your culture
  76. Teamwork and collaboration
  77. Famous athletes or sports personalities
  78. Healthy eating habits and nutrition
  79. Social media and its impact on society
  80. Climate change and its effects
  81. Childhood toys and games
  82. Favorite TV shows or series
  83. Festivals celebrated in other countries
  84. Personal growth and self-improvement
  85. Multiculturalism and diversity in your community
  86. Transportation infrastructure in your country
  87. Job satisfaction and career development
  88. Sustainable tourism and responsible travel
  89. The importance of foreign languages
  90. Art therapy and creative expression
  91. Cultural stereotypes and misconceptions
  92. Health concerns in modern society
  93. Entrepreneurship and starting a business
  94. Famous historical figures or leaders
  95. Food preferences and dietary restrictions
  96. Impact of social media on relationships
  97. Globalization and its effects on local culture
  98. Exercise and fitness trends
  99. Cultural heritage preservation
  100. Balancing work and personal life

IELTS Speaking Part 2 – 300 Sample Cue Cards and Sample Answers (with Extra Word Definitions)

  1. Describe a memorable trip you have taken.
  2. Talk about a book that had a strong impact on you.
  3. Describe a historical place you have visited.
  4. Discuss a skill you would like to learn.
  5. Describe a special gift you have received.
  6. Talk about a memorable birthday celebration.
  7. Describe a famous person you admire.
  8. Discuss a sport or game you enjoy playing.
  9. Describe a place you would like to visit in the future.
  10. Talk about a hobby or activity you enjoy doing.
  11. Describe a memorable concert or musical performance you attended.
  12. Discuss a film or TV series you recently watched and enjoyed.
  13. Describe a traditional festival or celebration in your country.
  14. Talk about a memorable meal you have had.
  15. Describe a piece of technology you find useful.
  16. Discuss a historical event that interests you.
  17. Describe a challenging experience you have faced.
  18. Talk about a song that has special meaning to you.
  19. Discuss a museum or art gallery you have visited.
  20. Describe a favorite item of clothing you own.
  21. Talk about a time you helped someone.
  22. Discuss a recent environmental issue in the news.
  23. Describe a place you have lived in or visited that has a lot of nature.
  24. Talk about a memorable wedding or celebration you attended.
  25. Discuss a person you know who has achieved success.
  26. Describe a famous building or landmark in your country.
  27. Talk about a time when you received good advice.
  28. Discuss a type of music you enjoy listening to.
  29. Describe a favorite photograph you have taken.
  30. Talk about a memorable experience you had while traveling.
  31. Discuss a historical figure you would like to meet.
  32. Describe a time when you faced a difficult decision.
  33. Talk about a traditional dish from your country.
  34. Discuss a memorable event in your school or college.
  35. Describe a piece of art or sculpture you find interesting.
  36. Talk about a time when you felt proud of an achievement.
  37. Discuss a technological advancement that has changed people’s lives.
  38. Describe a memorable conversation you had with someone.
  39. Talk about a favorite childhood toy or game.
  40. Discuss a social issue that is important to you.
  41. Describe a special place where you like to relax.
  42. Talk about a time when you had to overcome a fear.
  43. Discuss a memorable advertisement or commercial you have seen.
  44. Describe a festival or celebration from a different culture.
  45. Talk about a time when you had to work as part of a team.
  46. Discuss a recent scientific discovery or invention.
  47. Describe a favorite restaurant or café you like to visit.
  48. Talk about a time when you had to give a presentation.
  49. Discuss a memorable experience you had in nature.
  50. Describe a skill or talent you have that you are proud of.
  51. Talk about a person you know who is a good leader.
  52. Discuss a book or movie that made you think deeply.
  53. Describe a memorable party or social gathering you attended.
  54. Talk about a time when you had to solve a problem.
  55. Discuss a historical period you would like to have lived in.
  56. Describe a famous painting or artwork you find intriguing.
  57. Talk about a time when you had to adapt to a new situation.
  58. Discuss a recent scientific or technological innovation.
  59. Describe a favorite place you like to go shopping.
  60. Talk about a time when you received unexpected help.
  61. Discuss a cultural event or festival you have attended.
  62. Describe a time when you had to make a difficult choice.
  63. Talk about a favorite form of entertainment you enjoy.
  64. Discuss a famous invention that has had a significant impact.
  65. Describe a memorable sporting event you have witnessed.
  66. Talk about a time when you volunteered for a good cause.
  67. Discuss a piece of advice that has had a positive influence on you.
  68. Describe a favorite holiday destination you have been to.
  69. Talk about a time when you faced a language barrier.
  70. Discuss a historical figure from a different country.
  71. Describe a favorite piece of furniture in your home.
  72. Talk about a time when you received excellent customer service.
  73. Discuss a recent technological gadget you find useful.
  74. Describe a time when you had to work under pressure.
  75. Talk about a favorite childhood memory.
  76. Discuss a famous musician or band you admire.
  77. Describe a time when you witnessed an act of kindness.
  78. Talk about a significant political event in your country.
  79. Discuss a piece of advice you would give to someone starting a new job.
  80. Describe a favorite beach or coastal area you have visited.
  81. Talk about a time when you had to learn a new skill quickly.
  82. Discuss a scientific theory or concept that interests you.
  83. Describe a favorite park or garden you enjoy visiting.
  84. Talk about a time when you had to deal with a difficult customer.
  85. Discuss a recent breakthrough in medical science.
  86. Describe a time when you had to make a personal sacrifice.
  87. Talk about a favorite festival or celebration in another country.
  88. Discuss a famous athlete or sports personality you admire.
  89. Describe a time when you received recognition or praise.
  90. Talk about a significant technological change in recent years.
  91. Discuss a memorable advertisement or marketing campaign.
  92. Describe a favorite hiking or trekking experience you have had.
  93. Talk about a time when you had to overcome a language barrier.
  94. Discuss a cultural tradition or custom you find interesting.
  95. Describe a time when you faced a financial challenge.
  96. Talk about a favorite form of exercise or physical activity.
  97. Discuss a recent breakthrough in renewable energy.
  98. Describe a time when you had to mediate a conflict.
  99. Talk about a favorite historical figure from your country.
  100. Discuss a memorable piece of advice you have received.
  101. Describe a favorite childhood story or fairytale.
  102. Talk about a time when you had to navigate in an unfamiliar place.
  103. Discuss a recent social media trend or phenomenon.
  104. Describe a memorable achievement or accomplishment in your life.
  105. Talk about a time when you had to solve a technical problem.
  106. Discuss a famous historical speech or presentation.
  107. Describe a favorite outdoor activity you enjoy.
  108. Talk about a time when you had to make a compromise.
  109. Discuss a recent scientific research or study.
  110. Describe a favorite shopping mall or department store.
  111. Talk about a time when you experienced a different culture.
  112. Discuss a memorable experience you had while volunteering.
  113. Describe a time when you had to handle a difficult customer.
  114. Talk about a favorite mode of transportation you prefer.
  115. Discuss a famous poet or writer you admire.
  116. Describe a time when you had to negotiate with someone.
  117. Talk about a recent breakthrough in space exploration.
  118. Discuss a favorite local restaurant or food establishment.
  119. Describe a time when you had to give a speech or presentation.
  120. Talk about a memorable conversation you had with a stranger.
  121. Discuss a significant change in your country’s education system.
  122. Describe a favorite music concert or live performance you attended.
  123. Talk about a time when you had to resolve a conflict within a group.
  124. Discuss a popular social media platform and its impact.
  125. Describe a time when you had to deal with a difficult roommate.
  126. Talk about a favorite national holiday or celebration in your country.
  127. Discuss a recent breakthrough in artificial intelligence.
  128. Describe a time when you had to overcome a language barrier while traveling.
  129. Talk about a memorable achievement of a person you know.
  130. Discuss a famous piece of architecture or landmark from another country.
  131. Describe a favorite piece of technology you use on a daily basis.
  132. Talk about a time when you had to make an important financial decision.
  133. Discuss a recent environmental conservation initiative.
  134. Describe a time when you participated in a team-building activity.
  135. Talk about a favorite childhood game you used to play.
  136. Discuss a famous actor or actress you admire.
  137. Describe a time when you had to adapt to a new cultural environment.
  138. Talk about a recent breakthrough in the field of medicine.
  139. Discuss a favorite local market or street vendor.
  140. Describe a time when you had to overcome a fear of public speaking.
  141. Talk about a memorable event you attended in your community.
  142. Discuss a popular smartphone application and its usefulness.
  143. Describe a time when you had to handle a work-related crisis.
  144. Talk about a favorite type of music you enjoy dancing to.
  145. Discuss a recent breakthrough in sustainable energy sources.
  146. Describe a time when you had to mediate a conflict between two friends.
  147. Talk about a favorite historical monument or site you have visited.
  148. Discuss a famous entrepreneur or business leader you admire.
  149. Describe a time when you faced a significant academic challenge.
  150. Talk about a memorable road trip you have taken.
  151. Discuss a recent breakthrough in the field of genetics.
  152. Describe a favorite local café or coffee shop.
  153. Talk about a time when you had to overcome a cultural misunderstanding.
  154. Discuss a popular television show and its impact on society.
  155. Describe a time when you had to give up something valuable.
  156. Talk about a favorite form of artistic expression (painting, sculpture, etc.).
  157. Discuss a recent breakthrough in the field of renewable resources.
  158. Describe a time when you had to work with a difficult colleague.
  159. Talk about a favorite historical event from a different country.
  160. Discuss a famous scientist or inventor you admire.
  161. Describe a time when you had to manage your time effectively.
  162. Talk about a memorable religious or spiritual experience you had.
  163. Discuss a popular video game and its influence on gaming culture.
  164. Describe a time when you had to overcome a physical challenge.
  165. Talk about a favorite local tradition or custom in your community.
  166. Discuss a recent breakthrough in the field of transportation.
  167. Describe a time when you had to comfort someone in a difficult situation.
  168. Talk about a favorite art exhibition or gallery you have visited.
  169. Discuss a famous historical battle or conflict.
  170. Describe a time when you had to learn a new language or skill.
  171. Talk about a memorable event you attended at your workplace.
  172. Discuss a popular social issue and its impact on society.
  173. Describe a time when you had to overcome stage fright or performance anxiety.
  174. Talk about a favorite natural wonder or phenomenon.
  175. Discuss a recent breakthrough in the field of virtual reality.
  176. Describe a time when you had to make an ethical decision.
  177. Talk about a favorite local theater or performing arts venue.
  178. Discuss a famous philosopher or thinker you find inspiring.
  179. Describe a time when you had to overcome a setback or failure.
  180. Talk about a memorable cultural exchange experience you had.
  181. Discuss a recent breakthrough in the field of communication technology.
  182. Describe a time when you had to take care of a sick family member or friend.
  183. Talk about a favorite historical artifact or relic you have seen.
  184. Discuss a popular travel destination and its appeal to tourists.
  185. Describe a time when you had to manage a challenging project.
  186. Talk about a memorable social media campaign or viral trend.
  187. Discuss a famous fashion designer or brand you admire.
  188. Describe a time when you had to adapt to a new work environment.
  189. Talk about a recent breakthrough in the field of astronomy.
  190. Discuss a favorite local street food or snack.
  191. Describe a time when you had to cope with a personal loss.
  192. Talk about a favorite theater performance or play you have seen.
  193. Discuss a recent breakthrough in the field of robotics.
  194. Describe a time when you had to resolve a conflict within your family.
  195. Talk about a favorite historical period or era.
  196. Discuss a famous social activist or humanitarian.
  197. Describe a time when you had to learn a new technology or software.
  198. Talk about a memorable experience you had at a music festival.
  199. Discuss a popular fashion trend and its influence on society.
  200. Describe a time when you had to overcome a cultural barrier while traveling.
  201. Describe a favorite childhood memory with your family.
  202. Talk about a time when you had to navigate a challenging situation at work.
  203. Discuss a recent breakthrough in the field of neuroscience.
  204. Describe a time when you had to make a significant decision based on limited information.
  205. Talk about a favorite local street market you enjoy visiting.
  206. Discuss a famous historical figure from your country.
  207. Describe a time when you had to overcome a communication barrier.
  208. Talk about a memorable experience you had while participating in a cultural exchange program.
  209. Discuss a recent technological advancement in the field of entertainment.
  210. Describe a time when you had to overcome a personal fear or phobia.
  211. Talk about a favorite national park or nature reserve you have visited.
  212. Discuss a famous comedian or stand-up performer you admire.
  213. Describe a time when you had to handle a difficult customer service situation.
  214. Talk about a memorable sporting achievement or event in your country.
  215. Discuss a recent breakthrough in the field of renewable materials.
  216. Describe a time when you had to learn a new instrument or musical skill.
  217. Talk about a favorite local festival or cultural event.
  218. Discuss a famous historical document or declaration.
  219. Describe a time when you had to manage a large project or event.
  220. Talk about a memorable experience you had while participating in a community service project.
  221. Discuss a popular fitness trend and its impact on health and well-being.
  222. Describe a time when you had to adapt to a different work culture.
  223. Talk about a recent breakthrough in the field of agriculture.
  224. Discuss a famous photographer or photography technique you admire.
  225. Describe a time when you had to solve a complex problem in your personal life.
  226. Talk about a favorite local wildlife sanctuary or conservation area.
  227. Discuss a recent technological advancement in the field of transportation.
  228. Describe a time when you had to mentor or guide someone.
  229. Talk about a memorable experience you had while participating in a cultural celebration.
  230. Discuss a famous historical landmark or monument from another country.
  231. Describe a time when you had to learn a new cooking or baking recipe.
  232. Talk about a favorite local museum or historical site.
  233. Discuss a recent breakthrough in the field of psychology.
  234. Describe a time when you had to overcome a physical or mental health challenge.
  235. Talk about a memorable experience you had while participating in a sports event.
  236. Discuss a famous architect or architectural style you find inspiring.
  237. Describe a time when you had to adapt to a new educational environment.
  238. Talk about a recent breakthrough in the field of clean energy.
  239. Discuss a favorite local art exhibition or gallery.
  240. Describe a time when you had to motivate and inspire others.
  241. Talk about a favorite traditional dance or musical performance in your culture.
  242. Discuss a recent breakthrough in the field of computer science.
  243. Describe a time when you had to handle a difficult colleague or coworker.
  244. Talk about a memorable experience you had while participating in an adventure sport.
  245. Discuss a famous historical artifact or treasure you find fascinating.
  246. Describe a time when you had to learn a new language or improve your language skills.
  247. Talk about a favorite local theater production or performance you have seen.
  248. Discuss a recent breakthrough in the field of medical imaging.
  249. Describe a time when you had to manage conflicting priorities.
  250. Talk about a memorable experience you had while participating in a charity event.
  251. Discuss a famous author or poet you admire.
  252. Describe a time when you had to overcome a cultural barrier while studying abroad.
  253. Talk about a favorite traditional craft or art form in your culture.
  254. Discuss a recent breakthrough in the field of environmental conservation.
  255. Describe a time when you had to make an important financial investment or decision.
  256. Talk about a memorable experience you had while participating in a cultural exchange program.
  257. Discuss a famous musician or composer you admire.
  258. Describe a time when you had to resolve a conflict within a team or group.
  259. Talk about a favorite local historical event or celebration.
  260. Discuss a recent breakthrough in the field of nanotechnology.
  261. Describe a time when you had to overcome a setback or failure in your career.
  262. Talk about a memorable experience you had while participating in a volunteer project.
  263. Discuss a famous actor or actress from your country.
  264. Describe a time when you had to adapt to a new technological device or software.
  265. Talk about a favorite local traditional game or sport.
  266. Discuss a recent breakthrough in the field of artificial intelligence.
  267. Describe a time when you had to handle a difficult roommate or living situation.
  268. Talk about a memorable experience you had while participating in a cultural festival.
  269. Discuss a famous painting or artwork you find inspiring.
  270. Describe a time when you had to learn a new skill or hobby.
  271. Talk about a favorite local street performance or busker.
  272. Discuss a recent breakthrough in the field of climate change research.
  273. Describe a time when you had to manage your personal and professional life effectively.
  274. Talk about a memorable experience you had while participating in a leadership program.
  275. Discuss a famous political leader or activist you admire.
  276. Describe a favorite local cultural tradition or festival.
  277. Talk about a recent breakthrough in the field of renewable energy.
  278. Discuss a famous piece of literature or novel you find inspiring.
  279. Describe a time when you had to overcome a challenging public speaking situation.
  280. Talk about a memorable experience you had while participating in a study abroad program.
  281. Discuss a recent technological advancement in the field of communication.
  282. Describe a time when you had to manage a difficult work-life balance.
  283. Talk about a favorite local street art or graffiti.
  284. Discuss a famous historical event that had a significant impact on your country.
  285. Describe a time when you had to learn a new form of artistic expression (e.g., painting, dancing).
  286. Talk about a memorable experience you had while participating in a community service project.
  287. Discuss a recent breakthrough in the field of sustainable architecture.
  288. Describe a time when you had to navigate through a challenging cultural difference.
  289. Talk about a favorite local traditional musical instrument.
  290. Discuss a famous film director or filmmaker you admire.
  291. Describe a time when you had to make a difficult ethical decision.
  292. Talk about a memorable experience you had while participating in an environmental conservation project.
  293. Discuss a recent breakthrough in the field of virtual reality.
  294. Describe a time when you had to handle a difficult situation with a coworker or colleague.
  295. Talk about a favorite local historical figure or hero.
  296. Discuss a recent technological advancement in the field of education.
  297. Describe a time when you had to overcome a major personal obstacle.
  298. Talk about a memorable experience you had while participating in a cultural music festival.
  299. Discuss a famous sculpture or statue you find captivating.
  300. Describe a time when you had to learn a new form of digital technology.