ESL Conversation Questions about Birthdays

  1. When is your birthday?
  2. What is your star sign?
  3. What are the characteristics of your star sign? Do you possess all of them?
  4. Do you have a birthday party every year?
  5. Do you prefer to celebrate your birthday with your family or with your friends? Why?
  6. How do you invite people to your birthday party? Do you send them a card, or do you text them on Whatsapp?
  7. Do you like singing the happy birthday song?
  8. What kind of birthday cake is your favourite?
  9. Do you always keep a wish when you blow the candles?
  10. Have you ever invited a clown to your birthday party? Do you like clowns? Are they fun?
  11. What kind of music do you usually listen to at your birthday parties?
  12. Have you ever gotten drunk at any of your birthday parties? What happened?
  13. Do you know anybody who has the same birthday as you?
  14. Do you know any celebrities who were born on the same day as you? Who are they? Do you share the same characteristics?
  15. If you had the chance to invite one celebrity to your next birthday party, who would you invite? Why?
  16. Have you ever shared a birthday party with anyone? How was it?
  17. How many days are left for your next birthday? Do you have any plans?
  18. What do you want for your next birthday?
  19. Do you remember your first birthday party? What happened?
  20. Who organises your birthday parties? You or somebody you know?
  21. Have you ever had a surprise birthday party? Who organised it? Where was it? What happened? How did you feel?
  22. What did you do on your last birthday?
  23. Did you receive any presents o your last birthday? What did you get? Did you like them? Who bought them for you?
  24. Do you like buying presents for people on their birthdays? What do you usually buy for girls and boys?
  25. Have you ever spent one of your birthdays alone? How did you feel? What did you do? Were you upset?
  26. Have you ever organised a surprise party for any of your friends? How did you keep it a secret? How did you tell other people about the organisation? Did your friend ever suspect that you are doing something secretly?
  27. Have you ever forgotten the birthday of someone important such as one of your parents, best friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, wife or husband?
  28. What are some good birthday gift ideas for girls and boys?
  29. What else can be written on a birthday banner other than “Happy Birthday”?
  30. If it was your mother’s or father’s birthday tomorrow, what would you do for them? Would you cook, clean the house or wash the car for them?
  31. What is the best birthday present you have ever received? What makes it different from the others?
  32. What is the most expensive birthday gift you bought for someone? How much did you pay? Did they like it?
  33. Have you ever gotten a birthday present but did not like it? What was it? What did you do? Did you tell to the person who bought it for you?
  34. Have you ever ruined anyone’s birthday party? What did you do? What was their reaction?