50 ESL Conversation Questions about Culture

  1. What does the word “culture” mean to you?
  2. How would you describe your own cultural background?
  3. What are some common cultural practices in your country?
  4. How does culture influence the way people communicate?
  5. Can you think of any cultural traditions or celebrations that are unique to your country?
  6. How does culture affect people’s values and beliefs?
  7. Do you think it’s important to preserve one’s cultural heritage? Why or why not?
  8. Can you give an example of a cultural stereotype?
  9. How does culture shape people’s identity?
  10. Can you discuss any cultural differences you’ve experienced when traveling or living abroad?
  11. How does culture impact the food people eat?
  12. Can you share any examples of cultural taboos or customs?
  13. How does culture influence the arts, such as music, literature, and visual arts?
  14. Can you describe any cultural practices related to greetings and social interactions?
  15. How does culture influence the concept of family and relationships?
  16. Can you discuss any cultural norms or expectations regarding education and career choices?
  17. How does culture influence the perception of time and punctuality?
  18. Can you give an example of a cultural conflict or misunderstanding you’ve encountered?
  19. How does culture affect the way people express their emotions?
  20. Can you discuss any cultural differences in body language and non-verbal communication?
  21. How does culture shape people’s attitudes towards gender roles and equality?
  22. Can you share any examples of cultural diversity within your own country?
  23. How does culture influence people’s fashion choices and personal style?
  24. Can you describe any cultural attitudes towards aging and the elderly?
  25. How does culture impact the concept of beauty and aesthetics?
  26. Can you discuss any cultural differences in the approach to healthcare and well-being?
  27. How does culture influence the concept of personal space and physical contact?
  28. Can you give an example of a cultural practice related to spirituality or religion?
  29. How does culture affect the concept of success and achievement?
  30. Can you discuss any cultural attitudes towards money and wealth?
  31. How does culture influence the concept of leadership and authority?
  32. Can you share any examples of cultural customs related to weddings and marriage?
  33. How does culture shape people’s attitudes towards environmental conservation?
  34. Can you describe any cultural practices related to storytelling and oral traditions?
  35. How does culture influence the concept of hospitality and guest etiquette?
  36. Can you discuss any cultural attitudes towards technology and its impact on society?
  37. How does culture shape people’s attitudes towards privacy and personal boundaries?
  38. Can you give an example of a cultural practice related to food and dining etiquette?
  39. How does culture influence the concept of leisure and entertainment?
  40. Can you discuss any cultural differences in the approach to problem-solving and decision-making?
  41. How does culture shape people’s attitudes towards authority and obedience?
  42. Can you share any examples of cultural practices related to social hierarchies?
  43. How does culture influence the concept of justice and fairness?
  44. Can you describe any cultural customs related to gift-giving and reciprocity?
  45. How does culture shape people’s attitudes towards risk-taking and innovation?
  46. Can you discuss any cultural attitudes towards diversity and inclusion?
  47. How does culture influence the concept of community and social responsibility?
  48. Can you give an example of a cultural practice related to music and dance?
  49. How does culture affect the concept of beauty and attractiveness?
  50. Can you discuss any cultural attitudes towards globalization and cultural exchange?