50 ESL Conversation Questions about Dreams

  1. Do you dream often?
  2. What is the last dream you remember having?
  3. Do you think dreams have any meaning?
  4. Have you ever had a recurring dream? What was it about?
  5. Do you believe that dreams can predict the future?
  6. How do you feel when you have a good dream?
  7. Have you ever had a nightmare? Can you describe it?
  8. Do you think dreams are influenced by our daily experiences?
  9. Do you enjoy discussing dreams with others?
  10. How do you feel when you can’t remember a dream you had?
  11. Can you describe a dream that felt very realistic?
  12. Have you ever had a lucid dream? What was it like?
  13. Do you think dreams can reflect our subconscious thoughts and desires?
  14. How do you interpret the symbolism in dreams, if at all?
  15. Have you ever had a dream that made you feel a certain way for the rest of the day?
  16. Do you believe that dreams can provide insights into our lives?
  17. Have you ever tried to analyze your dreams? What did you discover?
  18. Can you recall a dream that inspired you in some way?
  19. Do you think dreams can be influenced by external factors like movies or books?
  20. How do you feel when you wake up from a dream and realize it wasn’t real?
  21. Have you ever had a dream that made you want to pursue a particular goal or aspiration?
  22. Can you discuss any cultural or religious beliefs about dreams?
  23. Do you think dreams have any connection to our waking life?
  24. Have you ever had a dream that came true in some way?
  25. Can you describe a dream that felt like a journey or an adventure?
  26. How do you feel when you have a recurring nightmare?
  27. Do you believe that dreams can reveal hidden fears or anxieties?
  28. Can you discuss the relationship between dreams and the creative process?
  29. Have you ever had a dream that inspired a story or artwork?
  30. How do you feel when you wake up from a dream and can’t go back to sleep?
  31. Do you think dreams can help us solve problems or find solutions?
  32. Can you describe a dream that you wish could come true?
  33. Have you ever had a dream that felt like a message or a warning?
  34. How do you feel when you have a dream about someone you haven’t seen in a long time?
  35. Do you believe that dreams can help us process emotions?
  36. Can you discuss any famous or influential dreams from history or literature?
  37. Have you ever kept a dream journal? What was your experience like?
  38. What do you think about the idea of lucid dreaming and controlling dreams?
  39. Can you recall a dream that had a profound impact on your perspective?
  40. How do you feel when you wake up from a dream and feel disoriented or confused?
  41. Do you think dreams can be influenced by external factors like food or sleep patterns?
  42. Can you describe a dream that made you question your beliefs or worldview?
  43. Have you ever had a dream that you wished would never end?
  44. How do you feel when you have a dream about someone who has passed away?
  45. Do you believe that dreams can offer insights into our relationships with others?
  46. Can you discuss any scientific or psychological theories about dreams?
  47. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis or other sleep-related phenomena?
  48. What do you think about the idea of analyzing dreams through therapy?
  49. Can you recall a dream that felt like a metaphor for something in your life?
  50. How do you feel when you wake up from a dream and immediately forget it?