50 ESL Conversation Questions about Happiness

  1. What is happiness to you?
  2. How do you define happiness?
  3. What makes you happy on a daily basis?
  4. Can you share a recent experience that brought you happiness?
  5. How do you think happiness contributes to a person’s overall well-being?
  6. What role do relationships play in your happiness?
  7. Can you think of any small things that bring you happiness?
  8. How do you maintain a positive attitude and outlook on life?
  9. Can you share a time when you helped someone else find happiness?
  10. How does gratitude influence your happiness?
  11. Can money buy happiness? Why or why not?
  12. How do you find happiness during challenging times or setbacks?
  13. Can you describe a time when you pursued long-term happiness over short-term happiness?
  14. How do cultural or societal factors influence our understanding of happiness?
  15. Can you think of any famous quotes or sayings about happiness?
  16. How does social media affect our perception of happiness?
  17. Can happiness be influenced by external factors, such as job or relationship status?
  18. How do personal accomplishments or achievements contribute to happiness?
  19. Can you describe a time when you made a conscious effort to choose happiness?
  20. How does self-care contribute to your overall happiness?
  21. Can you think of any scientific or psychological studies on happiness?
  22. How does finding meaning and purpose in life contribute to happiness?
  23. Can you share a time when you overcame a difficult situation and found happiness?
  24. How does the pursuit of happiness differ across cultures?
  25. Can happiness coexist with other emotions, such as sadness or anger?
  26. How do hobbies or leisure activities contribute to your happiness?
  27. Can you describe a time when you found happiness in simple, everyday moments?
  28. How does giving back to others or practicing kindness impact your happiness?
  29. Can you think of any role models or inspirational figures who embody happiness?
  30. How does optimism and positive thinking contribute to your happiness?
  31. Can you describe a time when you had to prioritize your own happiness over others’ expectations?
  32. How does self-acceptance and self-love relate to happiness?
  33. Can you think of any cultural practices or traditions that prioritize happiness?
  34. How does resilience and the ability to bounce back from challenges impact happiness?
  35. Can you share a time when you found happiness in letting go of something or someone?
  36. How does pursuing personal growth and learning contribute to your happiness?
  37. Can you think of any ways in which technology has positively impacted happiness?
  38. How does physical health and well-being influence your happiness?
  39. Can you describe a time when you found happiness in giving up control and embracing uncertainty?
  40. How does the pursuit of happiness differ between individuals and societies?
  41. Can you think of any historical figures who were known for promoting happiness or well-being?
  42. How does the concept of balance contribute to your overall happiness?
  43. Can you describe a time when you found happiness in supporting someone else’s success?
  44. How does the concept of gratitude practice or journaling impact your happiness?
  45. Can you think of any strategies or techniques that help you bounce back from setbacks and find happiness again?
  46. How does cultivating and maintaining positive relationships impact your happiness?
  47. Can you describe a time when you found happiness in personal growth or self-improvement?
  48. How does the pursuit of happiness change over different life stages or milestones?
  49. Can you think of any ways in which societal or cultural norms hinder the pursuit of happiness?
  50. How does the concept of happiness differ from person to person?