IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Childhood Memories Sample Questions and Answers

  1. What is one of your most vivid childhood memories? Why do you think certain memories from childhood stay with us?

Sample Answer: One of my most vivid childhood memories is the time when my family went on a vacation to the beach. I remember the feeling of sand between my toes, the sound of waves crashing, and the joy of building sandcastles with my siblings. Certain memories from childhood stay with us because they are often associated with strong emotions and significant experiences. Childhood is a period of rapid growth and development, and the brain tends to form strong neural connections during this time, making memories more enduring.


  • Vivid: (adjective) clear, detailed, and memorable.
  • Crashing: (verb) making a loud noise, as waves hitting the shore.
  • Neural connections: (noun phrase) pathways in the brain that transmit information and facilitate memory formation.
  • Enduring: (adjective) long-lasting or persisting over time.
  1. Do you think childhood memories have an impact on who we become as adults? Why or why not?

Sample Answer: Yes, I believe childhood memories have an impact on who we become as adults. Our early experiences shape our perspectives, values, and personality traits. Positive childhood memories can foster resilience, optimism, and a sense of security, which can contribute to a positive outlook in adulthood. Similarly, negative childhood experiences can have lasting effects, influencing behavior patterns and emotional well-being. Childhood memories form an integral part of our life story and play a role in shaping our identity and worldview.


  • Perspectives: (noun) viewpoints or ways of seeing and interpreting things.
  • Resilience: (noun) the ability to bounce back or recover from challenges or adversity.
  • Outlook: (noun) one’s perspective or attitude towards life.
  • Well-being: (noun) the state of being healthy, happy, and content.
  1. How have your childhood experiences influenced your hobbies or interests? Why do you think childhood is a formative period for developing interests?

Sample Answer: My childhood experiences have had a significant influence on my hobbies and interests. Growing up in a family that valued creativity and art, I developed a passion for painting and drawing. The encouragement and exposure to various artistic activities during my childhood sparked my interest and shaped my creative pursuits. Childhood is a formative period for developing interests because it is a time of exploration and curiosity. Experiences and exposures during this period can shape our preferences, talents, and areas of fascination.


  • Formative: (adjective) crucial in the development or formation of something.
  • Pursuits: (noun) activities or interests that one actively engages in.
  • Exposure: (noun) being introduced to or experiencing something.
  • Fascination: (noun) a strong interest or attraction.
  1. Why do you think childhood memories are often cherished by people? Why do some people enjoy reminiscing about their childhood?

Sample Answer: Childhood memories are often cherished by people because they represent a time of innocence, joy, and carefree moments. Childhood memories are associated with positive emotions, and they evoke a sense of nostalgia and warmth. Reminiscing about childhood allows individuals to reconnect with their past, relive cherished moments, and find solace in the simplicity and happiness of those times. Childhood memories serve as a reminder of who we were and how far we have come, fostering a sense of identity and belonging.


  • Innocence: (noun) a state of purity, naivety, or lack of experience.
  • Carefree: (adjective) without worries or responsibilities.
  • Nostalgia: (noun) a sentimental longing or affection for the past.
  • Solace: (noun) comfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness.