IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Friends Sample Questions and Answers

  1. How important are friends in your life? Why do you think it’s important to have friends?

Sample Answer: Friends play a vital role in my life as they provide emotional support, companionship, and a sense of belonging. They are there to celebrate my successes and offer a shoulder to lean on during challenging times. Having friends is important because they offer a different perspective, help broaden my horizons, and introduce me to new experiences and opportunities. Additionally, friendships contribute to my overall well-being and happiness, creating a supportive network that I can rely on.


  • Vital: (adjective) crucial or essential.
  • Companionship: (noun) the state of being with someone and sharing experiences together.
  • Belonging: (noun) the feeling of being accepted and valued within a group.
  • Horizons: (noun) the limits of one’s knowledge, experience, or outlook.
  1. How do you usually spend time with your friends? Why is it important to maintain these friendships?

Sample Answer: I usually spend time with my friends by organizing get-togethers, going out for meals, or engaging in shared hobbies and activities. It’s important to maintain these friendships because they provide a sense of connection, support, and joy. Friendships need nurturing and regular interaction to stay strong. By investing time and effort in these relationships, I can create lasting bonds, strengthen trust, and create a support system that enriches my life.


  • Get-togethers: (noun) social gatherings or meetings.
  • Nurturing: (verb) taking care of and encouraging the growth of something.
  • Interaction: (noun) communication or engagement with others.
  • Enriches: (verb) enhances or improves the quality of something.
  1. How do you choose your friends? Why do you think it’s important to have friends with similar interests and values?

Sample Answer: I choose my friends based on shared interests, values, and compatibility. It’s important to have friends with similar interests and values because it helps build a foundation of understanding and mutual respect. When we share common hobbies or passions, it becomes easier to connect and engage in meaningful conversations. Additionally, friends with similar values provide a supportive and positive environment that aligns with our beliefs, making the friendship more fulfilling and harmonious.


  • Compatibility: (noun) the state of being able to exist or work together without conflict.
  • Foundation: (noun) the base or groundwork of something.
  • Mutual: (adjective) shared or experienced by both parties involved.
  • Harmonious: (adjective) characterized by agreement, cooperation, and a pleasing balance.
  1. Do you think friendships change as people grow older? Why or why not?

Sample Answer: Yes, I believe friendships can change as people grow older. As individuals mature, their priorities, interests, and responsibilities may shift, leading to different lifestyles and commitments. People may move away for work or education, start families, or pursue new paths, which can impact the dynamics of friendships. However, true friendships can endure these changes by adapting and evolving. While the nature of friendships may transform over time, the deep connections and shared history can remain intact.


  • Mature: (verb) to grow or develop mentally and emotionally.
  • Priorities: (noun) the tasks, goals, or values that are regarded as more important.
  • Dynamics: (noun) the patterns or forces involved in a particular social group or relationship.
  • Endure: (verb) to continue to exist or be present despite challenges or difficulties.