IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Music Sample Questions and Answers

  1. Do you enjoy listening to music? Why or why not?

Sample Answer: Yes, I absolutely enjoy listening to music. Music has a way of evoking emotions and creating a mood that resonates with me. It helps me relax, uplifts my spirits, and serves as a form of expression. Whether I need motivation, comfort, or simply want to unwind, music always seems to be there. It’s a universal language that connects people and transcends cultural barriers.


  • Evoking: (verb) bringing forth or eliciting a response or feeling.
  • Resonates: (verb) has a deep or lasting impact or connection.
  • Uplifts: (verb) raises or improves one’s mood or spirits.
  • Transcends: (verb) goes beyond or surpasses.
  1. What types of music do you enjoy listening to? Why do you like those genres?

Sample Answer: I enjoy listening to a variety of music genres, but my favorites are pop and rock. Pop music is catchy, upbeat, and often carries positive messages. It puts me in a good mood and makes me want to dance. On the other hand, rock music has a raw energy and intensity that I find captivating. The powerful guitar riffs and passionate vocals make it an invigorating listening experience for me.


  • Catchy: (adjective) easily memorable or attention-grabbing.
  • Upbeat: (adjective) lively and cheerful.
  • Raw: (adjective) unrefined or intense in nature.
  • Invigorating: (adjective) energizing or refreshing.
  1. How does music influence your mood? Why do you think music has such an impact on emotions?

Sample Answer: Music has a profound influence on my mood. When I’m feeling down, uplifting melodies and lyrics can instantly uplift my spirits and bring me joy. On the other hand, soothing music helps me relax and unwind after a long day. Music has the power to evoke memories, trigger emotions, and create a unique atmosphere. It taps into the depths of our emotions and acts as a cathartic outlet, allowing us to connect with ourselves and others on a deeper level.


  • Profound: (adjective) having a deep or significant impact.
  • Uplift: (verb) improve or raise one’s spirits or mood.
  • Soothing: (adjective) calming or comforting.
  • Cathartic: (adjective) providing emotional release or relief.
  1. How important do you think music is in people’s lives? Why?

Sample Answer: Music is incredibly important in people’s lives. It serves as a universal language that transcends boundaries and brings people together. Music has the ability to inspire, console, and motivate. It accompanies us during moments of joy and provides solace during difficult times. Music is deeply ingrained in cultures and traditions, and it has the power to shape our identities and foster a sense of unity and belonging.


  • Transcends: (verb) goes beyond or surpasses.
  • Solace: (noun) comfort or consolation in times of distress or sadness.
  • Ingrained: (adjective) deeply rooted or firmly established.
  • Unity: (noun) the state of being united or connected.