IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Weather Sample Questions and Answers

  1. What type of weather do you enjoy the most? Why do you think people’s preferences for weather can differ?

Sample Answer: I enjoy sunny weather the most. The warmth of the sun and the clear blue skies uplift my mood and make me feel energetic. I also enjoy engaging in outdoor activities like hiking and picnics when the weather is sunny. People’s preferences for weather can differ due to various factors such as personal experiences, cultural backgrounds, and individual preferences. Some individuals might prefer cooler weather for activities like skiing, while others might enjoy warmer weather for beach outings and outdoor sports.


  • Uplift: (verb) to make someone feel happier or more positive.
  • Energetic: (adjective) having or showing enthusiasm and liveliness.
  • Engaging: (adjective) interesting and enjoyable.
  • Cultural backgrounds: (noun) the beliefs, customs, and behaviors that characterize a particular group or society.
  1. How does the weather in your country affect people’s daily lives? Why is it important to stay informed about weather forecasts?

Sample Answer: The weather in my country plays a significant role in people’s daily lives. Extreme weather conditions like heavy rain or storms can disrupt transportation, affect outdoor activities, and even cause damage to property. It is important to stay informed about weather forecasts to plan activities, make necessary preparations, and ensure personal safety. Knowing the weather conditions in advance helps individuals make informed decisions, such as carrying an umbrella or adjusting travel plans to avoid any inconveniences caused by unfavorable weather.


  • Disrupt: (verb) to interrupt the normal course of something.
  • Preparations: (noun) actions taken to get ready for something.
  • Inconveniences: (noun) problems or difficulties that cause inconvenience.
  • Favorable: (adjective) advantageous or beneficial.
  1. How do you feel when the weather is unpredictable? Why do you think some people find unpredictable weather frustrating?

Sample Answer: When the weather is unpredictable, I feel a sense of uncertainty and inconvenience. It becomes challenging to plan outdoor activities or decide what to wear for the day. Unpredictable weather can disrupt travel plans, outdoor events, and even impact mood and productivity. Some people find unpredictable weather frustrating because it hinders their ability to make plans and can create a sense of unease or dissatisfaction. The lack of stability and control over the weather can lead to frustration and inconvenience.


  • Uncertainty: (noun) a state of not being able to predict or know something.
  • Inconvenience: (noun) trouble or difficulty caused by something.
  • Hinder: (verb) to create obstacles or difficulties.
  • Unease: (noun) a feeling of discomfort or anxiety.
  1. Do you think weather patterns are changing in recent years? Why do you think it’s important for scientists to study and understand weather patterns?

Sample Answer: Yes, I believe weather patterns are changing in recent years. We have been witnessing more frequent and intense weather events like storms, heatwaves, and prolonged droughts. It is important for scientists to study and understand weather patterns to gather data, identify trends, and make predictions about future climate conditions. This knowledge helps us develop strategies to mitigate the impact of extreme weather events, make informed decisions about resource management, and adapt to the changing climate.


  • Intense: (adjective) very strong or extreme.
  • Prolonged: (adjective) lasting for an extended period of time.
  • Droughts: (noun) extended periods of abnormally low rainfall.
  • Mitigate: (verb) to make less severe or intense.
  • Resource management: (noun) the efficient and sustainable use of natural resources.