IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Work or Study Sample Questions and Answers

  1. Do you work or are you a student? Why did you choose that particular field of work or study?

Sample Answer: I am currently a student pursuing a degree in business administration. I chose this field of study because I have always been fascinated by how businesses operate and the strategies behind their success. I believe that a solid foundation in business will provide me with a wide range of opportunities and open doors to various career paths. Additionally, I find the dynamic nature of the business world intriguing, as it constantly evolves and presents new challenges.


  • Pursuing: (verb) actively engaged in the process of achieving or following.
  • Fascinated: (adjective) extremely interested in or captivated by something.
  • Foundation: (noun) the base or groundwork of something.
  • Intriguing: (adjective) arousing curiosity or interest.
  1. What do you enjoy most about your work or study? Why is it meaningful to you?

Sample Answer: What I enjoy most about my studies is the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills that will be valuable in the future. I find it rewarding to expand my understanding of different business concepts and strategies. Additionally, studying in a collaborative environment allows me to engage in discussions and learn from my peers. This not only enhances my learning experience but also prepares me for effective teamwork in future work settings.


  • Acquire: (verb) gain or obtain something, usually through effort or experience.
  • Valuable: (adjective) of great worth or importance.
  • Collaborative: (adjective) involving the joint efforts of multiple people or groups.
  • Enhance: (verb) improve or add to the quality or value of something.
  1. How do you manage your work or study commitments? Why is time management important in your field?

Sample Answer: To effectively manage my study commitments, I prioritize tasks by creating a schedule and setting deadlines for assignments and projects. I also allocate specific time slots for studying and reviewing course materials. Time management is crucial in my field of study because it helps me stay organized, meet deadlines, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Effective time management ensures that I can dedicate sufficient time to each task, allowing me to perform at my best.


  • Prioritize: (verb) arrange or deal with tasks or activities in order of importance.
  • Allocate: (verb) distribute or assign resources, such as time or money, for a particular purpose.
  • Work-life balance: (noun) the equilibrium between personal life and professional responsibilities.
  • Perform: (verb) carry out or fulfill a task or duty.
  1. Are there any challenges you face in your work or study? Why do you think these challenges are significant?

Sample Answer: One challenge I face in my studies is managing a large workload, especially during exam periods or when multiple assignments are due. This requires effective planning and time management to ensure that I can meet deadlines and maintain the quality of my work. These challenges are significant because they test my ability to handle pressure and work efficiently. Overcoming them not only contributes to my personal growth but also prepares me for the demands of the professional world.


  • Workload: (noun) the amount of work to be done, typically within a specific timeframe.
  • Planning: (noun) the process of making detailed arrangements for a task or activity.
  • Efficiency: (noun) the ability to accomplish a task with minimal wasted effort or resources.
  • Demands: (noun) the pressures or requirements imposed by a particular situation or task.